CIMB Niaga Selection Step in 2011

Every fresh graduated student can join this scholarship. From Vocational High School or Public Senior High School. And the facility are mentioned below :


PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk (“CIMB Niaga”) bersama CIMB Group, pemegang saham mayoritas CIMB Niaga di Malaysia, menyelenggarakan Program Beasiswa CIMB Niaga yang diberikan kepada para pelajar SMA di seluruh Indonesia untuk melanjutkan pendidikan S1 di Universitas di Malaysia.

Program beasiswa dibuka mulai tanggal 9 April 2011 yang dipublikasikan melalui media and CIMB Niaga website dan akan ditutup pada tanggal 14 Mei 2011.

Beasiswa ini diberikan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI), pelajar SMA dan/atau sederajat di seluruh Indonesia yang baru saja menyelesaikan studinya (fresh graduate tahun 2011), memiliki nilai akademis yang memuaskan (lulus Ujian Akhir Sekolah dan Ujian Negara dengan total nilai rata-rata min 8.00), tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan tinggi dan tidak sedang terikat dengan Program Beasiswa lainnya.

Persyaratannya adalah mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran secara on line e-registration dengan melampirkan data sebagai berikut (data di up load) sbb:

1. Hasil Ujian Nasional (UN) min 8.00 (bila belum memiliki hasil UN bisa mengirimkan Rapor 3 semester terakhir).
2. Hasil prestasi kegiatan akademis dan non akademis (Sertifikat)
3. Kartu Identitas (Paspor dan KTP / SIM / Kartu Pelajar)
4. Kartu Keluarga
5. Akte Kelahiran
6. Surat Keterangan dari Sekolah mengenai : Keterangan kelakuan baik, prestasi dan status ekonomi siswa, dll.
7. Photo (Berwarna ukuran 3x4)

Program studi yang ditawarkan meliputi:

Faculty of Business Accounting:
o Accounting
o Business Administration

Faculty of Economics :
o Economics

Faculty of Engineering :
o Civil Engineering
o Mechanical
o Electrical
o Telecommunication

Faculty of Computer Science Information Technology :
o Computer science - Computer networking and system
o Computer science - Management Information System
o Information Technology - Management

Faculty of Science :
o Mathematics, Statistic, Industrial Computational Mathematics

Program beasiswa ini merupakan full scholarship yang diberikan meliputi:
1. Biaya pendaftaran kuliah dan Biaya Pendidikan
2. Asuransi Kesehatan
3. Dormitory
4. Biaya hidup
5. Tunjangan Buku dan Internet
6. Transportasi (tiket pesawat) 1x (kepulangan setiap akhir kenaikan tingkat)
7. Laptop Printer
8. Biaya penelitian (penulisan skripsi)
9. Biaya selama Proses Seleksi dan Legal Document (Visa dan Passport)

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi :
Corporate Affairs PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk
Telp. : (021) 250-5151
Fax : (021) 252-6749
PIC : - Luh Nindityawati (Juty) di ext. 34010
- Tupon Setiawan di ext 34009
Email : /
The Steps :
  1. Administration Selection
    You just send e-form in then filled the form given and also upload the file's required. In this step, you just make a good essay and you'll pass easily. Don't forget to fill the form honestly and make sure that you fill completely. It Usually passed 600 students all over Indonesia. And divided into 6 Area : Medan, Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, and Makassar.

  2. General Test and Psychotest
    After you pass the administration selection, you'll receive an e-mail and it informs you to attend the test which is held on Branch Office in your resident e.g: Surabaya. In this test, you should be well-prepared and confidence. Do your test by your self and believe in yourself that you can pass this test. You don't need study, because it use your logical mind. And this test grades your responsibility, your leadership, your obsession, your behavior, your quick mindset, your sensitivity, your loyality and any other things that is needed by this Bank.

  3. Interview Test 1
    This first interview is easy and you just be yourself and don't forget to be confident. Be neat and good-looking is required here. Use blazer, chemise, and fabric shorts will help to increase your appearance. Don't forget to be consistent, and don't be afraid to show your weakness or strength. And it's important to learn speak English well. Because you are ordered to tell your daily activity, basic, and background in English. At last, Don't forget to Smile.

  4. Interview Test 2
    The second interview, you'll be interviewed by Branch manager.They want to know and want to score your consistently, your passion, and How reasonable enough you to be the next candidate who is funded by them. The key is speak and share your life, dreams and your way to reach them. Same as Before, you just need to be yourself and be consistent. For me, it makes me nervous and little bit scared. But, don't worry and just enjoy what them talking and asking you about.

  5. Interview Test 3
    Here, You'll go to the Central Office in Jakarta. You'll interviewed by it's Chief Director. 2 from Malaysia and 2 from Indonesia. Mostly, you should speak English. Don't be nervous, just relax and answer whatever they are talking about. Remember, you need to be consistent again. And you should give smart answer so they will interested on you. And you'll pass easily. Unfortunately, I didn't pass this step because I can't speak English fluently. And I think Ain't consistent too.

  6. TOEFL Test
    The TOEFL test is IBT TOEFL.It's not such a difficult thing because this part can be studied before. Make sure that you really have studied and you study seriously. Your English ability is graded here.

  7. Medical Check Up
    The final test! And it means, You can go to Malaysia for studying abroad there. Congratulation For Your hard work

In every you pass those steps, you'll receive notification by e-mail. So make sure you often read your e-mail inbox.


  1. please hesitate to contact Mr. Tupon Setiawan
    :d: :d:


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