Korea Trip 2024: Living the Fangirl Life to the Fullest (1)

a totally long post

2024 might be my year. It’s still April but I had experienced a lot of things and unlocking endless core memories. In this early April for example, I got to secure two Korean idol ticket. The first one is the one and my most awaited concert DAY6’s Welcome to the Show Seoul 2024 which held in 3 days from 12-14th April. Their concert is so close to our Eid celebration back in my home. The other one is EXO 12th anniversary Fanmeeting: ONE which was held in April 14th. And this lucky bastard, happened to go to both idols she worships.

I almost gave up in loving DAY6 back then in December because I felt like I never got the chance to meet them. First time I discovered them was when they just finished their concert in Jakarta. When I started to fancy them and happened to secure ticket for their performance of Heads in the Cloud Jakarta, it got cancelled due to COVID-19. When I stayed loyal for them, there were too much things happening. Started from member hiatus, Sungjin’s sudden enlistment, til that member departure event. When Sungjin got discharged, I just come back from Korea. We were like one day apart, so I didn’t get to visit his discharge cafe events when he went there. Then when DAY6 as a full band started to get active again and announced their Christmas Special concert The Present, I didn’t get their ticket. So what’s left for me was to buy their last day concert VOD. That time, I went to Bangkok and missed the concert schedule so I didn’t get to watch it. It was the peak and I got so stressed. Does the universe don’t want me to love DAY6? 

I came to that realisation and got upset days later. Until a friend of mine offered a free re-streaming of their The Present 2023 concert. I had some sense of relief back then. But that doesn’t change the fact that the journey for me in loving DAY6 had lots of obstacles.

So, when DAY6 announced their 3 days concert in April, I wasn’t hesitating. I will do it nevertheless. That time I thought "If I didn't get this one, I might really stop loving DAY6." I tried my best to secure ticket although it’s really hard and I doubt that I will secure one. But I guess, this is the answer from the universe: Now, it’s your time to meet them and I give you bonus to meet EXO too. This my friend, what I called as  living my fangirl life to the fullest!

However when I finally secured DAY6 ticket for real, I started to get anxious since the concert days are so close to my departure to Japan. I have arranged this Japan trip since last year and almost get everything ready. Instead, I had to rearrange everything and spend money for another airplane ticket and cancelled my return-trip ticket to Japan. If you ask me whether I am still going to Japan? Yes I do. So I am gonna spend two weeks in Korea and Japan after DAY6’s concert. At that moment, it felt like I didn't know what am I going to do with my life. Indeed those were stressful days, especially I still need to juggle with office drama and tasks. I kept thinking and found the cheapest way possible since I had to spend more money for 4 days Korean trip, a short yet exciting trip. So I decided to open merchandise re-selling and chose to stay with the other 3 MyDays to save budget.

I never had any relatable experience of "Siti dari Sumedang" story since I barely watch concert if it's not with my friends. And since I lived in Jakarta, I rarely book a stay close to the concert venue. All I can do just take a round-trip back to my boarding house. But, this 2024 Welcome to The Show Seoul Concert has given me that "Siti dari Sumedang" experience. I got to know 3 other MyDays I found on internet and stayed with them in an airbnb in Korea. So this is what people keep saying, Kpop fans are bound to trust each other although they are strangers. It didn't feel dangerous at all and we instantly got close to each other.

Among those 3 MyDays who came with me to Seoul, I was the first to come to the concert. I arrived at April 12th 6AM together with 1 MyDay, but she attended the 2nd day concert. We lived in separate stay at first, I stayed close to the concert venue in Jamsil so it enabled me to queue earlier for the merch and prepared quicker for the concert. Among 4 of us who stayed together, we were all chose to re-sell the merchandise to Indonesian fans. And I was the one who secured the queue since I was the closest to the venue and the one who arrived earliest. That my friend, how we secured merchandise because I queued 3-4 hours prior to the merchandise booth opening. The queue was so crazy afterwards.

On the first day of the concert, I was a bit panicked since I just finished merch queuing and purchase by noon at 3-4 PM. The concert itself started at 8 PM since it was Friday and the fans were still either working or going to school. I haven't eaten anything since the morning after long flights. I didn't get enough rest or sleep the day before until that noon. My body was actually tired but I don't have any time to sleep. So, once I finished queueing for merch with Nadine, we had something to eat together. Then we went separate way because I had to shower and prepare for the concert while she has all the time in the world to do anything because she attended the second day concert. From 3-4 PM to 8 PM felt so quick. Although I stayed close to the venue only 10 min walk, I decided to go earlier in 6 PM. Which made me rushes everything and not even had any chance to re-arrange my luggage for the merchandise I successfully secured. In addition, that was the first time for me to put on make up for a concert. YES! Park Sungjin and DAY6 did that to me! This effortless girl who barely touch make up is now too feminine. That reduce my resting time and had me more rushing before 6 PM.

When I finished everything, I finally walked again to the venue. I only ate one portion of kimbap and it got me full until the night. I couldn't think of anything unless being so nervous and excited for my first DAY6 concert. YES IT WAS MY 1st DAY6 CONCERT I EVER ATTENDED! Can you imagine how panicked I felt? Can you imagine the adrenaline rush?

To finally attending my long dream Concert, when I entered the venue I surprisingly was so calm compared to the moment before I entered the venue. Everything felt so smooth and comfortable, ID checking was so great, the staffs were so friendly, I felt so relieved I didn't make any mistake until the D-Day. From the journey to the actual concert moment, everything was meant to be. I felt at ease and finally all I did was admiring the stage set up and being so grateful to be given a chance there. Moreover, the concert ticket was so cheap compared to Indonesia's concert ticket. I only got to pay 157,000 KRW which equals to approximately 1.800.000 Rupiah. I paid for cheap concert ticket but what I got was beyond comfortable! (P.S excluding airplane tickets and cost to be paid for staying in Seoul).

This made me realise how unfair the Indonesian concert tickets. I have to pay more expensive but the experience was too different. And I have to pay extra if I wanted to got closer to the member. Every seat in Seoul was worth it and it all cost the same. While in Indonesia the price is layered. I felt so unfair and since then I decided to go for more Korea concerts for better concert experience.

Truly, Korean concert for Korean idols are worth it! So, it really is a privileged and golden opportunity to attend their Korean concert directly compared to any countries concert experience.

Speaking of the concert experience, we don't need to exchange ticket into physical ticket. The checking only requires e-ticket bought on the platform which generates barcode to be scanned. ID checking was done quickly at the same time for scanning and entrance. Once enter, the staff handed out slogan and more staff stand by in front of the door to help us find the correct door entrance. The seating was also good. I got seated in 2nd floor, row 7 col 7. Third row from the nearest walking path, right at the centre. The stage was 360 degrees, circular stage. So basically I can see everyone from where I sit. The temperature was just right. The sound was so clear and crisp. The LED was so big and Studio J even provides us lyric prompter to help fans and DAY6 sings well without forgetting any lyrics.

Welcome to The Show 2024 Seoul Concert was opened with Welcome to The Show, having to witness and listen to the song directly at the concert gave me goosebumps. It really felt DAY6 were Welcoming us to Their Show. It was so grand, beautiful, sacred moment to be there at the first concert. I almost got teared up but I am not easily crying so I didn't cry at all. Instead, I felt tremendous joy and so grateful. I never keep my mouth shut for being so grateful to be there that day. That's the extent of my thankful effort appreciating the time, the opportunity, and the moment I was experiencing.

When DAY6 members entered the stage, the instrumental was so beautiful, the music was so endearing. At the first song, when they welcome us with Welcome to The Show, Wonpil stand before my eyes. That time my friend, I admit on how unreal Wonpil's visual is. Sungjin is second to none when it comes to his real visual cannot be caught on cameras, Wonpil honestly like that too. Whatever we see on cameras, videos, or photos cannot really capture how Wonpil really is. However, although Wonpil is right in front of my eyes, I couldn't lie. My eyes were set on Sungjin, Sungjin, Sungjin, Sungjin as if the other member doesn't exist.

It was the first time for me seeing DAY6 members in person and the person closest to what I see on the internet is Brian. He got tanned skin, almost like honey caramel, he's surprisingly good looking. I mean I never thought he's that good looking. He got that bro feeling, it feels like he's my long-time friend that I haven't seen in years. And he's that extra on stage. He's extremely happy performing and that active. Although he was more active and extra when he was younger. His body is lean. And his voice is the most stable throughout the concert. He is well-spoken so he took most of the time of ment MC-ing for his bandmates.

Next the closest to what I usually see on videos and pictures is Yoon Dowoon the drummer. His skin is so good, so clean, so pale. His nose is protruding so it seems like it was carved out of the woods. His overall charm is so pure and baby. He almost didn't seem to wear any make up, his make up is so minimal. His drumming is so good! He is really good and confidence now at his drumming skills. He entertains us with his cute expression while drumming, getting teased by hyungs, and his pure smile like a baby.

Second unreal is Wonpil. I didn't realise he was close to me until he was close to me! I couldn't say anything but admiring his visuals. His face is small but sharps. The lines on his face are all sharp and masculine but soft. It felt like he doesn't belong to this world. His eyes are much smaller compared to what I see on videos and pictures. He really brings out his "Prince" aka "Tuan Muda" vibes. He's super unreal to be captured on cameras. Wonpil is the one that usually sings out of tune. Sometimes he took wrong notes and he also forgot his lines. The way he talked in ment is so soft just like a kindergarten teacher, he speaks slowly and full of affection. But he's actually manly!

FIRST AND FOREMOST UNREAL IS PARK SUNGJIN! Camera definitely didn't do him any justice. Just like what I said previously, my eyes were set to him. No matter how many meters we were apart, all I can see is him with my body and eyes full of love. That time all I can think of was "Oh, this is how it's like to fall in love with a person." I admire him, worship him, love him, adore him, and everything. I only want him to be with me for the rest of my life.

To finally witness Sungjin in person, I thought I will be crazy but I am not. I was shocked, I couldn't say or do anything but engulfing him with my eyes. His side profile is so smooth, his skin is so good, he's so bright, so charming, so calming, so endearing. He's so fine. Whatever he did flutters me. His frame is big but lean. It seems like it's so warm to embraced by him. His voice usually cracked and he also sings out of tune but his raspy voice sounds so much better than the recording. And I am so thankful to him since he took charge of lead guitar line too post-Jae departure. Thank you for taking your time to rest, loving yourself, then come back stronger Park Sungjin.

Honestly, what made me unable to erase or move on from the WTTS moment too soon is the fact that DAY6 is always genius in everything they did. The setlist! The setlist were so good, the performance made my heart full, the energy is reciprocating. I never felt so content yet so addicted to a band performance like DAY6. I can assure that this concert indeed is one of the best gift DAY6 ever given to their fans and everything was well thought of. Even the confetti is beautiful. The lighting is so grand. It is incomparable to Coldplay's Concert but for a K-Band Concert, DAY6 concert is definitely one of the best and greatest ever.

After opening the concert with Welcome to The Show, DAY6 brought their old comfortable songs: Better Better which actually unexpected. I never expected I would listen to Better Better when DAY6 had 2 albums that they never brought to live (The Demon and Negentropy). Another unexpected twist, after singing Better Better, DAY6 sang Love Parade which belongs to their subunit Even of Day. To have Sungjin sang the line of "여기 붙어 지금부터 한 걸음씩 앞으로 이 끝없는 행진에" with his raspy voice, it added flavour, depth, and layer to the song itself. As a person who didn't really listen to EoD's songs, I found this is so refreshing and I would love to listen to Sungjin doing more parts for EoD's songs.

As I have mentioned above about the setlist, DAY6 is so clever by putting it as a story. They opened the concert being lovey dovey and happy from Love Parade, The Power of Love, Days Gone By, Deep in Love, Man in a Movie, Only, to Let Me Love You. Then got sad and crying from love in didn't know,, I would, till accepting the truth in You Were Beautiful. After that, they are healing and rocking in Sweet Chaos, Sad Ending, For Me, Healer, Wish, Happy, Get the Hell Out, DANCE DANCE, and Somehow. The concert is closed by MyDay, Sing Me, Say Wow, Freely, Best Part, and Time of Our Life.

All of the songs are actually memorable and left deep impression to me but if I had to choose, there were several songs that unexpected and left further impression. Aside Better Better, Deep in Love had made me gone crazy. I loved this song so much since it embodies strong rock genre that I often listen to. And I have been rooting for this song to be sung live since The Present 2019, marking the first months I started to love DAY6. To finally witness, listen, and sing along the song directly on Seoul, in Jamsil Arena, it sent me goosebumps all over my body and up until today I couldn't even forget the excitement.

Second, Man in a Movie and Only on the part when DAY6 sang their coolest, most handsome, and loveliest personification of a song. Man in a Movie and Only are definitely songs that made me felt so loved by DAY6. I felt like they are the finest man in the world and that I am so happy to be with them at that moment. I couldn't get enough of Man in a Movie nor Only. I want to listen to them sing these songs forever.

Next is I would. This song is definitely a broken heart song that tells a person who regrets their past relationship that didn't work out. It is a song that convey "I can fix ours" feeling. Listening to Sungjin's part "다시 한번 그때로 단 하루라도 다시 또 그대로 돌아간다면 갈 수 있다면 Oh I know I" really broke my heart. I never cried in a concert before, I thought I was tough but I almost teared up listening to Sungjin sang those lines. It felt like we just broke up. I never once dated him but his voice is piercing like he was that broken heart for unable to amend our relationship. Aside being so heart-broken, the reason I almost cried was that I am once again so grateful to be given a chance to live and listen to this song being sung live. More and more, I am being so grateful for that exact moment happening in my life.

DAY6 didn't stop giving more twists and turn on their setlist when Somehow suddenly being played. This is also a song I didn't get to witness. To experience this first hand, I felt utterly amazing. It was so amazing that I want to stop the time and stayed on that moment. I want that moment to be frozen forever, I don't want to move on. This is the reason why it took me more than 3 weeks since I attended the concert until I wrote this post in full story. Again, Sungjin's part "어쩌다 보니 난 널" really kills! And I understand why JYP Entertainment took extreme measurements by establishing a band just for him.

I wouldn't say the other song I didn't mention here weren't that good. Damn! THEY WERE ALL SO GOOD! And they were all worth every penny I spent, every effort I made, every seconds I experienced. Everything that DAY6 sings and does are the best that I wish I could freeze it all and treasure it deep in my mind. I even love all the songs from FOUREVER album being sung at the concert. Every songs were that good! The concert was so beautiful and enjoyable in every aspects that 3 hours passes by too quickly. That I didn't realise I will go home late until Wonpil bid farewell and wished us to be safely arrived in our home.

There were also several moments from the concert that are memorable for me: MyDay choir where Brian had this note battles with MyDay which lead to DAY6 plays their instrument then MyDay got to sing: I like you, Congratulations, Better Better, and You Were Beautiful. To Brian's notable ment "DAY6 strength is on their lyric and we want you guys to sing with us with our lyrics video" on healing part of the concert which leads to For Me, Healer, and Wish being played. This part definitely healed us to the fullest. The most memorable moments is the encore moment where members are playfully greets everyone who attends the concert. A chance that I would never be given when I attend their concert aside Korea. I witness the member only 2 meter apart. I breath the same air, I saw them with my bare eyes. I got to almost see them skin on skin. That my friend, the moment I treasure forever because all the members are walking in front of me.

ESPECIALLY PARK SUNGJIN'S BELTING HIS HIGH NOTE ON SING ME IN FRONT OF ME. Somebody still asked me whether I was fine. No, I wasn't fine. My soul has gone somewhere and got back only to bring Park Sungjin to occupy my brain til today.

There were a lot of things happened that day and I felt like I couldn't write anymore before it become too long post. To sum up all of that, DAY6 concert was the best concert in my life and I will never stop adoring them or never stop listening to their music. It gave me great satisfaction. It felt like this is the concert that I've been longing for 5 years is worth all the wait and tears during those hard times.

Bonus trivia
  • Korean concerts also has their on the spot ticket box with very limited quantity, relies on cancelled ticket of the day.
  • DAY6 Welcome to The Show concert is a feast for the membership fans, they build two designated photo booth area, membership also got their special features: postcards and thank you notes from the member which was beautiful.
  • Everyone got their special concert photo cards which differs each day, slogan also differs each day.
  • First day concert (il-con) and last day concert (mak-con) usually more special than the middle/second day concert (jung-con).
  • My light band doesn't work at all at the venue so I left so stiffed and can't do anything to vibes with the concert. While my light band worked perfectly on Indonesian concert.
  • No bag checking, no body checking, no limitation of belongings except food and bottle. We are only allowed to bring mineral water in plastic bottle not in a tumblr less than 600 ml. Everything is acceptable, even tablet is also acceptable to be brought in concert.
  • Korean MyDays are less dressing up compared to Indonesian fans or even EXO-L (which I will wrote on later post of EXO: Fanmeeting)
  • Denimalz is MyDays identity, everyone brought their denimalz with them. And I now strangely so proud of having that identity as MyDay.
